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Andy Taylor

His beginnings in radio could be said to have begun in his room at the young age of 10. While his parents didn’t purchase a transmitter for him, they made sure Andy had a tape recorder and an AM/FM radio. With that radio, Andy would sit in his room late at night and make tapes and listen to far away AM Radio Stations.

After having almost 50 jobs from Disneyland to the Film Industry trying to find his place in society, life brought him back to that tape recorder and radio with a job in the business.

After almost 10 years in Palm Springs with the Barry and Andy Morning Show, the team moved to Tucson landing at Arizona Lotus and over the years eventually finding his way to KMXZ. Andy, also is known for Technology with a Radio Show and host segments weekly on TV (News13 KMSB Fox 11) on the latest in Tech Gadgets – he also enjoys photography, video production, Acting and great food

andy profile
